
Direct Marketing Campaign Response Handling

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Smart communications

Tailored to you

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Seamless delivery

Across all channels

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Your trusted partner

Secure & compliant data

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Data Management

From £149/month
Data accuracy is critical to the success of your organisation.
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Hybrid Mail Service

From £4.99/month
Manage and print your entire organisation’s mail. No need for printers, paper, inks, envelopes or stamps.
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Direct Mail

From £250/month
Delivering your message directly to one person through one letter box.

Direct Marketing Campaign Response Handling

Dependent upon the success of your marketing campaign, you should conservatively expect from a well prepared targeted and pre-tested cross media campaign, receive purchase orders between 4% to 6% of the contacted data and additional enquiries that upon further contact will also convert to sales.

So for every 10,000 contacted individuals you could receive up to 600 orders. Marketing does not stop at the order stage, the reflection on the brand continues through the purchasing process, the accuracy and quality of the order, the timeliness, presentation and standard of the delivery or presentation to the purchasing client. All this matters, so having a process in place that quickly receives and processes your orders, improves the brand image and increases the likelihood of repeat business and onward peer recommendation.

Assisting with direct marketing response management for our clients is an automatic continuation of the process in hand, we can manage online response, physical returns and postal orders. The data we have used to initially contact the consumers of your brand needs enhancing, with the data regarding purchase, root to purchase, be it web, retail outlet, phone order etc, rather than being kept separate. Appending data to current data only looks to improve future campaign success.

Get in touch

Speak to our experts today to discuss
your requirements.


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020 8293 8550

Or click here to contact by email

Client testimonial

“The CIOB is extremely happy with the outcome and the great work Romax have done for us.”
Carol-Anne Alexander | Head of Marketing | Chartered Institute of Building
“We’ve worked with Romax for a number of years, during which time we’ve always received a friendly and efficient service. I would not hesitate to recommend them.”
Marc Koskela | Marketing | Marketforce
“The direct mail solutions they offer are complex and flexible and always meet our business needs.”
Christina Koleva | Marketing Project Manager | Fantastic Services
“It has been an absolute pleasure working with you and all of the Romax team.”
Sarah McHugh | Senior Graphic Designer | Emma Bridgewater