Applications to streamline data handling and communications.
Using our extensive knowledge of data-driven personalised print, mailing fulfilment and postage discounts, our developers wrote a script based on the data test files to run a fully variable statement print run.
In conjunction with our sophisticated software and state of the art print and enclosing equipment, we added pack specific barcodes, to match statement sheets and allow selective pack contents as they were enclosed on our inserting machines.
Postage and resource reduction leads to cost saving
We accessed the lowest cost postage route – Mailmark – which tracks the mail from Romax to delivery confirmation using 2D barcode technology and assists Royal Mail in the final mail delivery,achieving the maximum postage saving available for the service.
Romax now produce regular benefit statement transactional-promotional (trans-promo) mailings that range from a variable 4-page statement to a variable 13-page statement across multiple saving plans and multiple named individuals at one main client address.
Postage cost reduction of approx. 50% by accessing discounted mail services rather than using office based unsorted postage.
Increased Marketing Activity
The success of the project and additional options that our technology offers to our clients’ communication teams means that they can redirect cost efficiencies and savings towards increased marketing and business growth. Highly personalised selective marketing campaigns across direct mail and email have increased based on client data type. This brings in additional revenue, turning what was a purely cost negative process into one that drives revenue growth.
“With hindsight it seems rather silly that we persevered for so many years folding, stuffing and posting these statements ourselves!”
David Hurcomb, IT Manager
“Just wanted to add my thanks.”
Ben Grainger – COO