Case Study

INEOS – Grenadier

INEOS Automotive Limited was formed in 2017 with the aim of a senior team of automotive professionals to bring a fresh perspective of 4×4 development and manufacturing. This resulted in the creation of the INEOS Grenadier. Combining rugged British spirit with German engineering rigour, the Grenadier.


Countries to be reached

The brief

INEOS Automotive employed Romax to implement a global aftersales warranty communication platform across multiple geographies and languages

The solution

The development of a flexible system that receives multiple data sources and language formats to deliver critical time-sensitive communications to Grenadier owners.

Results that matter

We created a platform to receive and process data, worldwide communication sent via the communication channel of preference.

Nothing lost in Translation

The nature of the communication from both a branding and service perspective required the translation into multiple languages, and for those translated documents to be distributed via print, SMS and email, for both outbound and inbound communication from a worldwide customer base.

Central point of communication management.

Having a single knowledgeable supplier to manage the worldwide communications for INEOS provided time and cost savings by removing delay in set-ups and approval process.

Ensuring that the ‘cost per piece’ is reduced for the whole business through process sharing

Experience that works

Using our in-house development team and years of experience in automotive communication, we created a platform to receive and process data, and produce branded and region-based communication sent via the communication channel of preference.