Using direct mail to increase customer loyalty
The approach that businesses take when it comes to marketing has changed considerably in recent years for a number of reasons. The worldwide economic slowdown forced many companies to reevaluate their approach to marketing and consider what was and wasn’t working. Additionally, a greater understanding of digital marketing techniques has helped to widen the options available to companies of all sizes.
One thing that has not changed, however, is the need to employ a comprehensive communications strategy that takes in a wide variety of approaches, from email
marketing to direct mail. The latter is now playing an increasingly important role in the marketing strategies of firms all over the world.
Direct mail marketing as part of the wider mix
Covering everything from one-page letters to catalogues and many other promotional items sent via the post, direct mail retains the ability to surprise, enchant and put a business’s message right in front of a potential customer. It’s not just an either or situation, as direct mail campaigns can be used successfully to support other forms of advertising such as SMS marketing and email campaigns.
The right approach can help to reinforce a brand message and ensure a successful conversion. It’s important to remember that direct mail, whether in the form of a leaflet with special offers or a free gift, can help boost a customer’s perception of a brand, building loyalty as a result.
Selecting your audience
It’s also important for companies to remember that not everyone wants to receive marketing offers and information online. As the use of email, on-page advertising and pay-per-click adverts has spread, many people now feel they are being bombarded. Making use of direct mail allows companies to start a conversation with potential customers in a way they may no longer expect. A fresh approach could well result in a sale. For example, many people still take pleasure in sitting down with a coffee and a niche catalogue, and browsing through a company’s products. It is important to remember that, as Kindle hasn’t killed books, email won’t kill direct mail. There is a
place for many approaches in today’s marketing mix, but it is more important than ever to use the latest technology and customer resource management tools to pinpoint a specific audience segment in order to maximise the success of a campaign.
Consumers demand quality
While the marketing landscape has chanced considerably, demand for quality has not. Send out an uninspiring piece of direct mail and the likelihood is that it will not be read – even if you have targeted the correct audience. Consumers need to be surprised and intrigued. Their attention and their loyalty needs to be earned, so make sure you have something real to say before giving your
next campaign the green light.
Romax Marketing & Distribution, a Greenwich-London based company, provides a wide range of services in Direct Marketing for B2B and B2C, Direct Mail, Data Management, Printing, Discount Postage and Membership Communication Services and Consultancy. Contact us: +44 (0) 20 8293 8550
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