February 9, 2015

The value of direct mail for membership communications

The value of direct mail for membership communications

Direct mail is one of the longest standing sales and marketing techniques. Before the internet, if institutions wanted to send out updates, promotional letters or catalogues to members then they used direct mail to do this. Physical posting of material to home and work addresses of members is still an extremely effective and popular method for engaging with existing members and attracting new ones. It can’t contain everything, but it can guide the member to other sources and increased engagement.

 Direct mail and printed Member Communications, particularly new member packs, renewal and reminder packs, have many powerful advantages. One is that direct mail is personal. Your message is sent directly to the home or workplace of your member as a tangible recognition of their engagement with your organisation. It is also easy to customise the message by using members’ data to build relationships. Direct mail is also more tangible than an email. Emails are easy to delete or redirect to the spam box. Letters are not so easy to disregard. Even if a member  dows not act immediately, they will go back to it and revisit a letter or catalogue that is sitting in the hallway unopened.

The figures speak for themselves. The response rate for direct mail is 3.40% compared to 0.12% for email campaigns, according to statistics from the DMA.It is also very easy to measure direct campaigns by enclosing return envelopes, order cards or more proficiently sending the member to a website with PURL or unique code for tracking. Targeted campaigns, for example campaigns focused on a particular postcode or area, are straightforward tasks through direct mail.

Romax has formidable expertise in providing direct mail services, the result of 17 years in the business. Our approach is dynamic and flexible. We have a cost-efficient approach to both producing and delivering direct mail campaigns. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that you get a return on your investment at each stage of your campaign. We have self-imposed standards that every direct mail campaign that we run has to fulfil. Our exclusive 22-point data check is in place to make sure that your members receive direct mail that is accurate, reliable and consistent. We are also serious about the quality of campaigns. That is why we have our own analytical and comprehensive data services and our own design studio to craft your campaigns.
Quality management and software is also crucial for attracting and maintaining membership. Even a brilliantly creative direct mail campaign will fail if it is not right for the audience. It is, therefore, crucial to analyse members to truly understand them, and then tailor your message accordingly. We use cutting edge software to profile all of the data about your members that we receive. Also offering FREE DATA AUDITS.
romax_logo_tag_blueRomax Marketing & Distribution, a Greenwich-London based company, provides a wide range of services in Direct Marketing for B2B and B2CDirect Mail, Data Management, Printing, Discount Postage and Membership Communication Services and Consultancy. Contact us: hello@romax.co.uk +44 (0) 20 8293 8550

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