Clear and Transparent – Our Published Performance Indicators.
100% guarantee of despatch – backed by a published despatch Performance Indicator and open door client policy.
We are proud to release our monthly and annual year to date despatch figures for completed on time or ahead of time jobs compared with the agreed final despatch date with our clients.
We include in this Performance Measure issues which are also beyound our immediate control – failed postal supplier collections due to weather, incidents and missed connections, malfunctioning equipment.
We are very organised and have contingency plans for most eventualities, but still with the best will in the world we cannot always be 100% perfect and gremlins, and circumstance just get in the way.
Despite that we are very pleased to publish our results and will continue to do so on a quarterly basis for our clients to review.
January 2011 – 98% / Februaury 2011 – 97% / March 2011 – 98% / April 2011 – 100% / May 2011 – 95% / June 2011 – 99%
Our annual target is to ensure 97% on or ahead of time despatch. Our current year to date average: 98%
This Performance Indicator combined with our many accreditations acts as key driver for our success and client satisfaction, and trust in our integrity, openness and honesty.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating!
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