January 21, 2020

Saving the planet

Sir David Attenborough, put the damage human beings are doing to the planet in the spotlight with his shocking revelation about what plastic is doing to our oceans; but it’s not only plastic that’s damaging our environment.

Nobody wants to add to the problem deliberately and much of the damage is done by people just not thinking about the effects of their actions.  At Romax we have a long history of being environmentally conscious. Our aim is to recycle, reuse and do our bit towards saving our environment wherever possible.

Recycling strategies

Apart from the glass, metal and plastic which our local council takes away to recycle, our paper recycling is sorted:

  • Our contractor takes away our paper and cardboard to recycle. 
  • All our paperwork that contains sensitive data as secured waste is taken for offsite shredding and is then recycled.
  • In addition, all the waste from our printers – including cartridges, parts, spares – are recycled by Xerox.

If it can be recycled, it is!

In addition, all the paper we use both in-house and for clients is sustainably sourced, without compromising on quality.

Saving energy

With limited world supplies of fossil fuels, we have ensured every member of our team is conscious of the energy we use. Although we need to use energy to run our machines, if you visit our premises, you’ll see people turning lights off as they leave a room and checking the heating isn’t on when it doesn’t need to be.  We don’t need to work in a hothouse!

When we leave at the end of the day all the computers are turned off and the production machines and printers are all shut down for the night. 

Reducing our carbon footprint

We’re big fans of using local suppliers, not just to support our nearby community but because it reduces lorries travelling any further than they need to.  At least a third of our team walk or cycle to work and we are more likely to jump on public transport to get to meetings instead of taking a car.

When your company’s environmental policy includes using environmentally conscious suppliers, we can tick that box – not just with words, but with actions too.

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