February 25, 2020

Saving costs while increasing engagement | SHEIN Case Study

If your target audience is highly mobile, or frequently changing addresses, it can be difficult to keep your direct mail campaigns well-targeted. But there are ways to clean up your data regularly to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your campaigns.

Case study

SHEIN is an international B2C fashion e-commerce company, selling women’s wear, plus some men’s apparel, children’s clothes, accessories, shoes, bags and other fashion items.

They have a predominantly young, female audience and use a combination of online marketing and direct mail. Compliance requires that, before any data is used, a detailed cleansing process takes place.

With a large customer base of students and transient workers who move home more frequently, their data needs constant monitoring and updating to be relevant and accurate.

With tens of thousands of catalogues being printed and posted, the accuracy of data means fewer incorrect deliveries and fewer need to be printed.


On average approximately 6%-10% of the data requires updating – this is in line with the UK market – particularly for the more transient younger market that SHEIN attracts.

Each mailing cleansed removes 6000-8000 records per 100,000 mailed, saving paper as well as costs.

On average the cost-saving is approximately 32p per cleansed record.

What SHEIN told us:

Since we used Data Audit, we have been able to detect the customer’s correct address, reducing the number of incorrect deliveries and shortening the time for express delivery. This helps our customers enjoy better service. 

There was a customer who entered the zip code incorrectly. After the Data Audit, we corrected the customer’s recipient address so that she received the package smoothly.

Get a free data audit, contact us today at hello@romax.co.uk or call 020 8293 8550

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