On the 1st of November, we launched the new version of our Resource Centre which simplifies the process of Data & Collateral transfer and approval of proof files related to your job.
Please, follow these instructions to use the Romax Resource Center.Which
1. Go to Romax Resource Centre and log in with your current login details – you can change your password by clicking on the icon top right of your screen.
2. Click on “My Jobs” on the left side menu.
3. Click on the folder name of the job.
4. Upload the file related to the job (artwork, database)
If you upload files in error, email simply your account manager or add a comment.
5. Check your email for confirmation that you job transfer is successful.
Romax will work with your files, cleaning the data and adapting the artwork adding in personalisation as required. We will then send you an email advising you that your proof is ready for checking.
1. You will receive an automatic email when we upload the files.
2. Login to the Resource Centre www.romaxresourcecentre.co.uk
3. Click on the dashboard on the right side menu
4. Select the file that you want to download and press the “cloud” icon.
5. Download the file and check that everything meets your specifications.
6. If you are happy with the proof, click on the “Thumbs-up”
7. If you want to make some amends, click on “Thumbs-down” and type in your comments as applicable.
8. After you have approved the file, Romax will start the process of printing and/or distribution.
9. Your account manager will inform you when the job has been completed.
Watch the following video that shows you these simple steps.
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