March 10, 2020

Minimising our carbon footprint

Romax likes to be a leader when it comes to sustainability, we’re always looking for ways to be proactive.  Every decision we make considers the environmental impact of that action.  We are ISO 14001 accredited, but it’s much more than a tick box exercise, sustainability awareness runs through everything we do.

These are just a few of our plans for 2020:

–       Install a charge point for electric vehicles.

–       Reduce and eradicate all polythene from our business by working with customers to achieve that.

–       Use electricity from renewable sources wherever possible. 

–       Work hard to reduce our carbon footprint by purchasing land to plant trees in the UK. 

–       Become a Carbon Balanced Printer – That covers not just the paper but our manufacturing process too.

–       By becoming a Carbon Balanced Printer, we can provide you with a Carbon Balanced Publication logo that we can print on your work. Your customers will know that the collateral they receive is Carbon balanced too.

Print isn’t as ‘eco-negative’ as many people think.  Scientific research comparing print with online activities in terms of environmental impact show that, if anything, print is actually marginally more environmentally friendly.  All that information stored in the Cloud is on huge servers, that suck up the energy to store pictures of someone smiling on Facebook!  Huge environmental impact comes from the electrical components in batteries and electronic waste.

We know our clients’ budgets are often driven by cost-saving and, currently, biodegradable polythene and compostable plastic cards have extra costs attached.  We invite you to meet us halfway and invest in sustainability by being willing to pay that small addition until, as an industry, we get to the tipping point and everyone is environmentally astute and costs are reduced.

If you come to visit us you’ll notice unused computers are off and we turn off the lights as we leave a room unoccupied.  Sustainable thinking is just ‘the way we do things here’.

Share with us your sustainability strategies, or contact us for advice on moving towards more sustainable communications at or 020 8293 8550.

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