Direct Mail Services Update and UK Print Sizes Reference Guide from Romax.
Royal Mail Go Live with Printed Stamp Mailmark
Printed stamp can now be used in place of the printed postage indicia.
After the end of the successful trial of the printed stamp to replace the postal indicia on marketing mail, Royal Mail have announced that the service will now remain as an ongoing service.
Romax was the first UK Mailing House to send a successful printed postage stamp mailing in the trial so clients can be assured that their marketing mailings will be in the very safest of hands!
Did you know that each year 6% of the population moves house; that means that in 2 years if you do not keep on top of your data – the lifeline of any business – that over 10% of your data will be inaccurate.
Take advantage of our FREE data audit that provides 16 pages of invaluable and informative insight around not just the accuracy of your data, but also the socio-economic profile of your data, at no charge to you.
Catalogue Weight Service TRIALS – Send More for Less
Retail and Catalogue Clients, can now take part in a beneficial trial for mailing catalogues and brochures. Historically many catalogues have been ‘cut-back’ to under 100g to keep the postage weight at its lowest price point.
Royal Mail have now introduced stepped increments of 10g above 100g to 150g for letter format and large letter format.
The outcome being a staggered price increase where you pay for what you send rather than paying full 150g price for a pack weight slightly exceeding 100g. Extra printed pages to sell extra merchandise. To trial this call Romax.
Romax Sponsors the London Broncos Rugby League Club
Promotion candidates the London Broncos are setting their sights on the Super league next year as they continue to ride high in the Kingston Press Championship. Romax have provided the Broncos with marketing expertise, our E-publishing app amongst other marketing services as we team up to drive over the line marketing!
FREE Quick Reference Jargon Buster.
All industries love a bit of jargon – trade language that is comparable with learning a new language (well almost)! There has to be standardisation in an industry to ensure that it works for all stakeholders. Our aim is to simplify your access, but to perhaps help to nurture a love for print and direct mail. Receive your FREE GUIDE
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