A view from Client Services in Print and Direct Mail
Being the head of client services in print and direct mail marketing, I have to help our teams manage vital marketing for our clients, under tight deadlines within a pressured environment – all part of a day’s work.
By Charlene Plows, Head of Client Services
How many times do you call customer services and not receive the answers you need? More annoyingly you may get a less than helpful representative on the end of phone hiding behind a corporate wall. They may not actually say those immortal words – “computer says no”, but the implication is the same! You may have to leave a voicemail (nobody likes leaving a voicemail), or hope that when you are told you will receive a call back – you will!
At Romax we aim to rewrite the rules. We believe very strongly that client service comes first. We have a ban on voicemail and you will always be answered by a knowledgeable member of our team. We offer a genuine ‘open door’ policy. Inviting clients to visit us to discuss their projects, oversee their projects and watch their jobs being printed, fulfilled and despatched. When we say a job is despatching – it is.
There are many do’s and do not’s to ensure that our clients are happy. In my opinion, the key to successful client services is not only to understand your needs but to view the process from the client view point. Understanding the pressures, deadlines and complications that you as a client face on a daily basis means that we can provide services that focus on meeting those needs.
Being responsive, proactive, honest and polite, means that we are already halfway there.
Previously, I have written about the ILM Level 5 Degree that my colleagues and I achieved. My ILM Degree Journey Charlene Plows Romax. Always having a clear opinion that people should be treated respectfully and politely, my training helped me to further understand different learning styles. After completing a few different exercises, I realised that the world wasn’t full of Charlene’s and therefore I needed to adapt the way I handled situations. Ensuring that we see the individual. This has helped me develop the client services team at Romax to listen to the client, empathise and look for a solution rather than creating a problem.
Being a successful business and despite our desire to always want to help, Romax cannot always meet every request made of us. There isn’t a complete guide book on client services in print and direct mail and how keep your clients happy 100% of the time. However, with a little patience, empathy and common sense we meet and exceed our client expectations. We would not be a success without clients – this we never forget.
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