June 5, 2015

What did you say? Colour Envelopes With Full Variable Print?

Yes That’s Right: Colour Envelopes With Full Variable Print!

Recent technology improvements have lead to the development of a litho quality, variable colour print capability for overprinting envelopes for direct mail campaigns, so that a unique message, image as well as the recipient’s delivery details can be printed directly onto plain stock.

Short Run Envelope Print

What does this mean for Direct Marketing Experts?

Colour short run envelope over print is in itself, an area that buyers of direct marketing increasingly require. The improvement in database marketing, management and improved data targeting means that getting a clear and pertinent message to your customer is now an expectation. The best approach to direct mail is that of highly targeted marketing campaigns that pin-point more closely those customers that should be receiving a particular message and placing that message front of mind using the client’s preferred medium or mediums to do so. The development of this envelope technology now means there are even fewer limitations to a great marketing campaign

Selling your car? Want a Personalised Registration Number?

Car Sales

Motor retailers Toyota, for example, can now up sell cars, servicing plans or insurance services on the envelope as well as the content to the named person, using the car’s colour, make and model to gain the attention of the recipient from the minute it lands on the door mat.

romax_logo_tag_blueRomax Marketing & Distribution, a Greenwich-London based company, provides a wide range of services in Direct Marketing for B2B and B2CDirect Mail, Data Management, Printing, Discount Postage and Membership Communication Services and Consultancy. Contact us: hello@romax.co.uk +44 (0) 20 8293 8550

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