July 3, 2015

Famous Five – Success Blooms with 5 BPIF ILM Level 5 Degree Graduation

Famous Five – Success Blooms with 5 BPIF ILM Level 5 Degree Graduation


Congratulations must go out to our Famous 5 of internal candidates who yesterday graduated on their BPIF ILM Level 5 Degree courses.

After a further 2 years following on from their level 3 study courses to attain higher degree status, the graduates were extremely pleased to receive their awards.

Romax sponsored the candidates through the process on the BPIF funded scheme allowing time away from work to study, attend course dates and meet with tutors. The successful graduates, Indre Lukaite, Charlene Plows, Firuz Emin, Simon Pierce and Phil Smith, worked extremely hard committing to the learning programme devoting personal time, evenings and weekends to achieve their well earned success.

All of their colleagues at Romax would like to offer very sincere and heart felt congratulations for their achievements.

The day was a culmination of 180 learner’s hard work across 2 years. Held at One Great George Street in London, fully gowned learners, their proud employers and guests, plus key supporters within the printing industry came together to celebrate learner’s achievement. Following the Graduation, the 7th Annual General Meeting of the British Printing Industries Federation was held for members. The meeting was opened by Gerald White, President of the BPIF, who gave an overview of how print has fared over the past 12 months and how the BPIF has continued to play an important role in supporting the industry. Chief Executive, Charles Jarrold, then reviewed the BPIF’s performance over the year, and spoke about the activities that are being undertaken to support members in the future.

BPIF Graduates

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